Can you tell on a scan if baby has hair?

  1. Claire s Well-Known Member

    Joined:Jul 20, 2012Messages:100 Likes Received:0

    Just interested if its possible to tell if baby is going to have hair just from looking at scan picture. I've been having extra growth scans and the sonographer has never said anything about baby having hair but when my mum looked at picture she thinks the dark patch on babys head could be hair. Any ideas of how to tell?

  2. Joined:Jul 11, 2012Messages:962Likes Received:0

    Our sonographer showed us hair on the latest scan, but it showed as white, not dark.

  3. shambaby hayden's personal chef

    Joined:Jun 3, 2009Messages:4,267Likes Received:0

    Hair wouldn't look dark on a scan - the denser the tissue, the brighter the colour, so fluid looks black, bone is bright white, and everything else is shades of grey. It is possible to see hair on scans - when I was pregnant with Hayden, the sonographer showed us it on the screen, but you couldn't really see it on the pictures. I think it was the movement of it floating about in the fluid that made it easier to see.

  4. Joined:Oct 24, 2010Messages:1,625Likes Received:0

    the dark patch that was seen could have been a "soft spot." Hair would show up lighter. yes, you can see hair on an u/s

  5. Krissys Well-Known Member

    Joined:Feb 18, 2013Messages:195 Likes Received:0

    My friends scan showed hair and Jessa was born bald and was bald until almost 2 lol

  6. MrsMcK04 Mom to 2. TTC # 3

    Joined:Dec 11, 2011Messages:314 Likes Received:0

    We saw hair on our 36 week scan and the hair was white in color. Showed up better on the screen too than the picture. I too think it could have been related to the fluid moving the hair around making it easier to see.

  7. Eleanor ace Well-Known Member

    Joined:Aug 29, 2010Messages:15,189Likes Received:37

  8. LEXUS09 Well-Known Member

    Joined:Jun 18, 2009Messages:402 Likes Received:0

    Yes, with both LO's I knew they had a head full of hair prior to birth. Is shows as white squiggly lines. They had a head full!!!!!

  9. sugaree13 Well-Known Member

    Joined:Oct 2, 2012Messages:196Likes Received:0

    we were shown a little bit of hair going all the way back to our 20wk scan (im convinced he's going to have a Fabio hairdo by the time he comes out. the ultra sound tech said that that was very early for hair growth!)

    It was white lines on his head in the ultrasound but very hard to see on the tiny print out photos

  10. I thought lanugo forms on the fetus but then falls out anyway after birth or a few days after birth?

  11. Does it show as dark in a 4d scan though?!

  12. Joined:Mar 28, 2012Messages:201Likes Received:0

  13. sugaree13 Well-Known Member

    Joined:Oct 2, 2012Messages:196Likes Received:0

    I was told that that hair isnt visible since its so fine, but head hair is. idk if thats actually true, but thats what the tech said.

  14. Joined:Mar 28, 2012Messages:201Likes Received:0

    It looks like hair because of the pattern like your mom said. However, it does depend on a few things. When we asked the tech during the u/s, she dismissed our suggestions that what we were seeing was hair because he was also near the placenta and she claimed that what we were seeing was the shadow of the placenta
    really, it's just going to be a guessing game until baby gets here. My advice would be to let it be a wonderful surprise. It was a lot of fun in the delivery room when the doctor checked me and said he had a lot of hair. We took bets on how much hair he would have and we were all shocked when he came out with as much as he did.

    It never fell out either BTW, he is 6 months now and still has a full head of hair except for a tiny bit of a bald spot in the back where he lays on it a lot.

  15. I know it wasnt placenta as she was breech for the scan facing my left sideand my placenta is right side lower down!!
    oh yeah I'm not getting hung up on it . My first was a baldy until 6mnth and number two was born with dark curls , then it fell out , then all grew back into an awesome Mohican within a month!!

    Your baby is very cute

  16. Eleanor ace Well-Known Member

    Joined:Aug 29, 2010Messages:15,189Likes Received:37

    My DS's didn't fall out, it just changed colour when he was a few months old.

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Can you see if your baby has hair on an ultrasound?

Many parents wonder if they will be able to see the baby's hair during their ultrasound. Unfortunately 3D/4D ultrasound technology cannot see any hair on the baby, however standard 2d (black and white) ultrasound can usually pick up strands of hair!

How do you know if your baby is growing hair in the womb?

Hair follicles start to form during week 14 of pregnancy, and by the 15th week, a hair pattern begins to appear on baby's scalp as the hair pushes up through the skin. “If you looked at an ultrasound, you might see a little halo around the head, which is fuzz on the scalp,” McCarthy-Keith says.

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