Can spiders climb trapdoors in Minecraft

Java Edtion:

This is a tricky question to answer.

If the trapdoor is flush with the wall (is part of the wall itself), then yes.

If the trapdoor is attached to the inside of the wall (is attached with the wall behind it), then no. (Picture)

I'm building a spider spawner exp farm, and I have everything planned out.

Now the only thing is to build it. But what material should I use?

Are there any blocks that a spider (either type) just cannot hold on to the sides of?

My farm should function if there are none, but it would be a huge boost to convenience and efficiency if there are any such blocks.

Keep in mind that this question is not the same as this question which just asks how to make your house safe from spiders.

asked May 14, 2012 at 15:16

Mr SmoothMr Smooth

27k27 gold badges113 silver badges171 bronze badges


Cover the walls with signs. Spiders can't climb a wall if it's covered in signs. I just tested it.

answered Jul 17, 2012 at 21:04


Spiders can climb:

  • Any solid block, that is, one that obstructs the players movement. This includes 'solid' blocks such as stone, wood, dirt etc. as well as 'transparent' blocks such as fence, glass panes and iron bars.

  • Ladders and vines, exactly as the player can.

Spiders cannot climb:

  • Blocks which do not impede the player, such as grass, sugar cane, fire or flowers.

  • Water or lava, but will behave as other mobs (swim/drown, burn).

  • Nether portal blocks (they can climb the surrounding obsidian though).

answered May 14, 2012 at 15:27


53k91 gold badges290 silver badges444 bronze badges


They can climb any solid block. If you want to stop them from escaping, make an overhang inside the trap like so:


X=solid block.

answered May 14, 2012 at 15:39


1,61813 silver badges27 bronze badges


Spiders cannot climb Ice, Packed Ice, or Blue Ice.


27.9k17 gold badges91 silver badges129 bronze badges

answered Nov 15, 2021 at 8:14

You could build something like this B=Brick


Spiders can not climb over overhangs so just put a brick on the 2nd block to keep em down. Hope this helps.


22.2k30 gold badges94 silver badges141 bronze badges

answered Sep 14, 2012 at 22:19

While spiders can climb cactus blocks, they will eventually be killed while doing so.


42.1k64 gold badges190 silver badges277 bronze badges

answered May 15, 2012 at 9:34


3932 silver badges13 bronze badges


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Can spiders in Minecraft climb trapdoors?

Spiders can climb: Any solid block, that is, one that obstructs the players movement. This includes 'solid' blocks such as stone, wood, dirt etc. as well as 'transparent' blocks such as fence, glass panes and iron bars.

How do you stop spiders from climbing in Minecraft?

To stop Spiders from climbing, you can build overhangs or moats around your base. You can also build a fence wall around your base and place a block on top of it. You can also place signs on the walls of your structures so that the Spiders can't climb over them.

What walls can spiders not climb Minecraft?

The list of blocks that the mob cannot climb are tall grass, sugarcane, flowers, signs, fire, water, lava, and Nether portal blocks. Though these are not traditional blocks, their outlines are of a full block. Unfortunately, these are the only blocks that spiders cannot climb.

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