Can i see who likes my youtube videos

Wondering how to see who liked your video on Youtube.

People use youtube every day and share their views in the comment section like and dislike videos.

But unfortunately, there is no way you can see who liked your video or your youtube comment.

Youtube keeps all these likes and dislikes private for security concerns.

Your youtube videos get tons of likes and comments and you are left wondering who are these people. Or sometimes you get tons of dislike and wonder who had the gut to do so.

Unfortunately, you can’t see who liked your youtube comment and who disliked it. However, you can see how many likes your video got.

How to track who likes your youtube account

As mentioned above there is no official way to track the people who like or dislike your youtube account.

However, you can receive email notifications when someone likes your youtube account. You have to enable the setting to receive email notifications. To enable the setting to perform the step mentioned below:

  1. Sign in to your account.
  2. Click your user name located near the top right corner of the page.
  3. Click setting.
  4. Click “Email options”.
  5. Check the box for “Someone subscribes to my channel.” Selecting this option ensures you receive email notifications when someone likes your channel enough to subscribe to it.
  6. Click the save changes.

After completing the setting you will be able to receive an email the next time someone subscribes to your channel.

Conclusion on How To See Who Liked Your Video on Youtube

Though you can see how many subscribers and likes you have on your youtube channel, there is no option for viewing who liked your video on youtube as of now. But youtube might introduce this feature in the coming days.

There's only one official way to track the people who like your YouTube account. The method involves receiving email notifications when someone subscribes to your YouTube channel. If you have the setting enabled, then a message is emailed to you with the subscriber's name, picture, his basic details and a link back to his profile. Clicking the link in the email takes you to his profile, where you might be able to discover more information about that person or the types of videos he likes.

  1. Navigate to Sign in to your account and click your user name near the top right corner of the page. Click "Settings" from the drop-down list. You're taken to the main Account Settings page.

  2. Click the "Email Options" link from the left sidebar. Find the "Automatic Email Notifications" section on the right panel.

  3. Check the box for "Someone subscribes to my channel." Selecting this option ensures you receive email notifications when someone likes your channel enough to subscribe to it. If you would like, select any of the other email notifications or uncheck the boxes to meet your preferences.

  4. Click the "Save Changes" button near the bottom of the page. A notification appears at the top letting you know the changes are updated, making them effective immediately. The next time someone subscribes to your page, you'll automatically receive a message to the email address on file.

Have you ever wondered how to see who liked your video on YouTube? Well, it’s actually pretty easy!

Check out this post for more details on this topic.

  • What is the video like?
  • How to See Who Liked Your Video on Youtube: How Does It Work?
  • Why do people use it?

What is the video like?

The Youtube number counter helps you to see how many views your videos have garnered.

It’s a handy way of finding out if what you’re doing is going down well with viewers, and it can be reassuring when you get lots of hits – or depressing when no one watches. The only problem is that it doesn’t show the number of likes on a video.

This is where the Like/Dislike button comes in handy. It’s a simple thumbs up or down that tells Youtube whether your video was worth watching and gives you insight into what other people thought of it too.

So if you’re wondering how to see who liked your youtube videos, simply follow these steps:

  • To see who liked your video on youtube if you have a Google account, log in to YouTube by clicking the ‘Login’ button at the top right of the page which will take you to their homepage.
  • If you don’t already have an account click the ‘Sign Up’ link near the bottom left corner of this same menu bar to create one then sign back into YouTube under your new credentials using either email or username/password credentials that are stored within Safari’s password storage (only if logged out from other sites).
  • Beneath the video player you should see a ‘Liked’ button with a counter displaying how many people have liked this clip so far.

If you want to make edits to your YouTube account, it’s worth checking out Youtube Editor which is an improved version of their previous editor that was only available on some mobile devices.

It won’t let you edit videos longer than 15 minutes but for short clips and music videos, it’ll do just fine.

There are two ways in which you can see who has liked your YouTube videos. The first is by using the number counter, and the second is by looking for a ‘Liked’ button beneath the video player where there will be a counter displaying how many people have liked this clip so far.

If you want to make edits to your YouTube account, it’s worth checking out Youtube Editor which is an improved version of their previous editor that was only available on some mobile devices.

It won’t let you edit videos longer than 15 minutes but for short clips and music videos, it’ll do just fine.

The youtube number counter helps you to see how many views your videos have garnered.

It’s a handy way of finding out if what you’re doing is going down well with viewers, and it can be reassuring when you get lots of hits – or depressing when no one watches. The only problem is that it doesn’t show the number of likes on a video.

You can check this video for some more details on this topic:

Why do people use it?

The Youtube number counter is handy for trying out new ideas – if your video goes well then you’ll know that there’s a demand for more videos like it, but if no one watches them then at least you won’t have wasted a lot of time and money on making that video.

It’s also useful for tracking how many views your videos get day by day to see if there are any spikes or drops in interest that could pinpoint something worth investing some serious energy into!

This also elevates the motivation of the content creator to come up with more videos that may be of interest to their audience.

This number counter is also an excellent way to see how many views your youtube videos are getting (without having to go through the hassle of changing around all those settings).

It lets you know if what you’re doing on Youtube is going well, and can offer some reassurance when hits start piling in. The only issue it has is that it doesn’t display a video’s likes – but then again this shouldn’t matter too much as long as they have enough likes!

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