Can I just play cold steel?

The real reason to play the Cold Steel games first is because the translations for Zero/Ao aren't exactly up to par at this point; in fact they aren't even localized.

I keep seeing this suggested order for the "complete experience" even though Zero and Ao were released before CS. Did Falcom really intend for the players who played the games as they were released to not have a complete experience? Cold Steel and Cold Steel 2 spoil just as much about Zero and Ao, if not actually more.

While Ao does spoil three very important things, those are things that happen towards the end of each game. On the other hand, the Zero/Ao spoilers in Cold Steel are for the duration of the games, especially if you read the newspaper. Sure, they lack context, but when you're playing Zero and Ao you'll be able to easily piece together 1+1 and know exactly what the major event will be in almost every chapter. Another thing is that there are constant references to Zero/Ao in Cold Steel, even some minor returning characters from sidequests. That's not the case in Zero/Ao, since it released earlier.

Oh and last but not least, the spoilers for Cold Steel in Zero and Ao are intended spoilers. Falcom wouldn't want to diminish the experience of Cold Steel for people who played their previous games, and this is clearly evident considering how the major spoiler for CS in Ao is delivered: It's a completely unnecessary to the story of Ao comment that they could easily have not mentioned. Yet they chose to mention it.

I don't mean this as a rant, just tired of seeing people suggesting that the release order is the wrong order to play as if you want the complete experience. I also suggest playing at least Ao last, but only because it's not properly translated. When it is, definitely play Zero and Ao before Cold Steel. And I'm not trying to say either order to play the games in is bad. I just wouldn't say that you need to play Zero and Ao last for the complete experience.

Do you need to play cold steel in order?

Playing the games in release order is not required but is the optimal experience. If you can't do that it is usually best to at least start with the first game in an arc and at least consider playing the other games in release order if possible.

Can I start with cold steel?

If you don't feel like going back quite that far to start, you can also start with Cold Steel 1 as the story through CS1 and CS2 is self-contained enough that you can get into things easily enough (although you'll still miss a fair number of references). Any other starting points in the series just aren't recommended.

Is trails of cold steel standalone?

Taking place on the same continent as the fan favourite The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, Trails of Cold Steel offers a standalone story that also delves into the expansive lore that has become synonymous with the series.

What should I play before cold steel?

Preferably play Sky and Crossbell before Cold Steel but regardless, definitely play CSI and II before CSIII. Playing the first Cold Steel games is mandatory for this game. Preferably you play all the Trails games before it, but you don't need to do that to understand it's story.


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