Can dogs drink apple juice for constipation

We all know that dogs can eat certain types of apples, but can dogs drink apple juice? Technically, the only fluid dogs need is water. Yes, they can occasionally have certain types of juices or other drinks as a treat, but what they really need is plenty of water to keep them hydrated. The biggest problem with most types of apple juice is that they contain a high amount of sugar, which means too much apple juice can be bad for dogs.

Generally, it’s best to avoid giving pets apple juice altogether. However, if you’re curious about what else dogs can drink besides water, there are other beverages that dogs can have that are safer and don’t have a lot of sugar.


  • 1 Most Apple Juice Contains Additives
  • 2 Apple Juice Can Help with Constipation in Dogs
  • 3 Dogs Can Drink Homemade Apple Juice
  • 4 No, Dogs Can’t Drink Apple Juice

Most Apple Juice Contains Additives

Unfortunately, apple juice isn’t made from just apples. Oftentimes, apple juice is made from a concentrate or with artificial flavorings. Even pure apple juice has preservatives added to it to keep it from spoiling too quickly. Also, a lot of commercially prepared apple juice is high in sugar and can also contain certain seasonings that aren’t good for dogs.

Apple Juice Can Help with Constipation in Dogs

Apple juice is known to help treat constipation in dogs, but you need to be careful as they don’t need very much. If you’re planning on using it as a treatment, you should make sure to choose an apple juice that contains as little sugar as possible (without artificial sweeteners which can be harmful to dogs!), and to dilute it with water. Alternatively, you can give your dog a little bit of Pedialyte when they’re constipated which is an even better treatment option.

While some people swear by this home remedy for constipation in dogs, others disagree over its effectiveness in relieving symptoms of constipation. In fact, they argue that it can end up causing your dog to have loose, runny stools, mainly due to its high sugar content.

Luckily, if you’re into juicing, you have some better options for your dog. Since apples are generally safe for dogs to occasionally eat, you can create your own fresh apple juice for your dogs that’s free of all those added ingredients that can be unsafe or even toxic to dogs. In fact, in the summer, you can also freeze your homemade apple juice in ice cube trays and give them to your dogs to help cool them down on hot days.

No, Dogs Can’t Drink Apple Juice

Although most apples are safe for dogs to eat on occasion, dogs can’t drink apple juice because it contains a lot of sugar (and other potentially harmful ingredients depending on which variety you purchased). If you were thinking of giving your dog apple juice because you don’t think your dog is getting enough to drink, you should talk to your veterinarian if you’re really you’re worried that it can lead to health problems.

Your veterinarian will be able to help you create a plan to keep your dog well hydrated all year long, even during the hot summer months. If your dog isn’t drinking enough, it could also be for various reasons, including certain health issues, and this is something that you will also need to discuss with your vet. They will be able to diagnose the problem and start the right course of treatment.

Last Updated on July 31, 2020

Are you wondering if your dog should be allowed to drink apple juice? Any benefits? Any harm done?

Those are good questions and you aren’t alone in wondering about this beverage for a best buddy.

The truth is apples are, in no way, toxic for dogs.

However, the topic becomes more complicated when it comes to the juice.

Loose stools ie. bowel irregularity wouldn’t be out of the ordinary. What we’re really concerned with is the amount of added sugar and perhaps other additives.

Avoid Regularly Giving Your Dog Apple Juice

Providing any type of processed juice is a bad habit to get into.

It’s a poor choice any time you introduce extra sugar, unknown preservatives and various sweetener substitutes.

The good news…

Sharing a small amount if unlikely to affect your dog.

Still, sticking to plain old fresh water is the right approach. Apple juice, in no way, can be considered a good alternative.

On a regular basis, it’s an all around bad idea with respect to your dog’s health.

We heard that some owners provide this juice as a way to improve bowel problems, but there are much better alternatives.

K9 Constipation Tips

Passing hard stools is one sign that your dog has a constipation problem. If so, check their stool for traces of blood. You may need to provide these details to a vet if bowel problems persist.

Document your dog’s problem so there’s a clearer picture of what’s going on. Apples, especially the juice, likely won’t help Fido.

Consider that constipation could be a sign of a more serious problem. Sometimes it’s a symptom of colitis which is characterized as inflammation of the colon. Instead of apple juice or some other fruit juice, which won’t help, your dog may require special medication.

For Mild Constipation?

Apple juice is sometimes used as a remedy for mild canine constipation. If you want to try it, make sure yours doesn’t contain added sugar.

Homemade is best. You can mix equal parts of apple juice and water to dilute it. Water, itself, actually works for constipation since dog dehydration is a common culprit.

Administering Pedialyte is also a great option since it contains valuable electrolytes. It’s more effective than apple juice, or even water, for restoring a balance. Give your dog small amounts in frequent intervals.

Well hydrating your dog is very important but don’t rely on apple juice for this purpose.

2 Ideas for Consideration

Instead of apple juice, get your dog exercising more to stimulate regular bowel movements. Take your dog for a long walk at least once a day. But it would be best if your best buddy could run around, as this is a much better form of exercise.

If your dog still has chronic constipation then your vet may recommend pediatric rectal suppositories. These are used for human infants, but they’re also used on dogs.

The best option for digestion, under normal circumstances, is to get a canine-formulated probiotic.

Hydration For Hounds

There are dogs that just aren’t avid drinkers. If your pet is like this, use a dropper or a syringe to trickle down fluids in your dog’s mouth.

You can also entice more drinking by putting partially melted ice cubes in your dog’s water bowl. This will usually do the trick and it’s much preferred to feeding commercial apple juice.

The Bottom Line

Apple juice usually can’t relieve canine constipation. It can also be unhealthy for dogs. The high sugar content is a huge factor.

If you do give your dog apple juice on occasion, serve it sparingly.

Homemade and all-natural is obviously healthier, but any apple juice may cause bowel irregularities. Fresh water is best.

What Do You Think? Have Your Say Below…

Is it OK for dogs to drink apple juice?

Fresh fruit juices, such as apple juice or orange juice can be given as an occasional treat. But juices made of fruit concentrate are another matter. Fresh fruit juices are neither toxic nor unhealthy for dogs, just make sure the seeds have been removed before popping them into the juicer.

Can dogs have Mott's apple juice?

While apples are one of the healthier fruits you can share with your dog, apple juice is another matter. Most brands of apple juice you'll find at the store contain added sugars, which are not healthy for dogs and can cause diarrhea.

What juice is good for dogs?

Vegetable Juice: Pure juice made from dog-safe vegetables like carrots, cucumber, or broccoli can all be shared with your furry friend for a nutritious and delicious doggie delight. However, note that in most cases, it's more beneficial for your furry friend to enjoy the whole vegetable than just the juice.


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