Can a 12 year old play Resident Evil?

April 15, 2022

be carful

be careful, there are a lot of children who create fake accounts and give very low ratings without properly justifying this. if the message is simplistic and is often limited to "good game for children, almost not violent." with a rating of 10+, it's probably a fake account. their note is often very short: maximum 2 sentences. ATTENTION the notes with fairly low ages are not all false, but read carefully. So in shooters and/or horror games, it's very common

1 person found this helpful.

August 31, 2022

amazing game but less horror like, unlike the last game.

the game is really freaking good! while its less horror like (unlike re7) it is still a bit gory. it also has a pretty good replay value but i don't recommend this to kids, definitely not. while some younger teens might be able to handle this, i definitely recommend thinking about if they could handle it, especially if they ask you to buy it. there's a bit of swearing but its not too much to get your knickers in a twist. 10/10 would play again even with 34 hours on it already.

This title has:

Easy to play/use

Too much violence

August 16, 2022

I LOVE this game!

Next to 4 this is my favorite RE game. It is scarier than 7 and that is saying something RE7 is really terrifying. this one has more enemy variety and the lycans SUPER creepy. This is the RE game with the best boss fights too.

May 20, 2022

Great game, Very gorey.

I would say 13+, as there are lots of graphical scenes? Gorey but very fun as you fight zombies and kill evil. Minimal swearing but also expensive for the money side of it.

May 6, 2022

Great Game, however the horror is lacking. Which makes it a lot easier for young kids to play than RE 7

This is a difficult game to place down properly. Due to how the horror used in this title is incredibly subjective. Where some may find this game horrifying, but some will find the cheap scares quite funny. The only section of the game you should look out for if you are letting a child play this is the House Beneviento sequence. Mainly due to how it depicts a giant human fetus chasing after and eating the player in a gory fashion. But if your child is quite resilient to this genre of horror. They will get an experience they will never forget with RE Village.

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February 15, 2022

Amazing game

Got this game few days after christmas.And oh my god, this game is so cool.

December 13, 2021

best ever?

make your kids play the game even if they aern't asking to make them (best game ever) not scary

This title has:

Great messages

Great role models

Easy to play/use

Too much violence

Too much swearing

August 5, 2021

I Have Played full game!

The game is about a character named Ethan trying to find his daughter. The daughter is out in four containers each with a different part of her body. Although it is a great game to play not as scary or bloody as resident evil 7 (biohazard). I would not say it’s for younger teens but I really think it depends on how the person reacts to gore and blood and how easily they get scared. It’s also has foul language and the main characters heart gets ripped out. Overall great game though and I do recommend.

This title has:

Easy to play/use

Too much swearing

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  3. What age gamer do you think should be playing this game

Sega9599 4 years ago#1

Most people seem to have first played re as a kid, so maybe recommend it to 10 year olds? But maybe it's too gory?
Or do you think kids should be able to decide for themselves if they want to play it?

Needed: New Pokemon Puzzle League, Shining Force and Left 4 Dead....

RoguePirate 4 years ago#2

This is a Video Game, so I guess it shoud be played by a teenagers around 15 - 16 years old.

DaSnackBandit 4 years ago#3

Graphically speaking, the PS1 titles were very tame compared to what we've seen of this REmake, with its ridiculous emphasis on gore. Younger audiences might not be able to stomach it, but then again we aren't in the mid/late 90's anymore -- kids seem a lot more desensitized to violence and such.

If you're reading this, your snacks are already mine.

Praise_the_Sun_ 4 years ago#4

I played resident evil 1 when I was ten. But resident evil didn’t look this realistic obviously.

It’s ultimatily up the the parent and what they think they’re kid can handle. I won’t let my ten year old daughter play this, maybe in a few years.

Twitch stream: x_darth_caedus_x, come watch me play the stuffs on ps4, Xbox one, and PC.

xXCloudoXx 4 years ago#5

Re 1 and 2 gave me nightmares when I was a kid, only after I turned 12 I started enjoying these games, so I personally wouldn't recommend them for someone younger than 12. It depends on the person though, one of my friends was I able to enjoy these games at the age of 8, while I had another friend during uni who was 20 years old and refused to continue the RE5 campaign with me after just one day of playing, cuz in the next day he told me he had nightmares last night!

Sega9599 (Topic Creator)4 years ago#6

Praise_the_Sun_ posted...

I played resident evil 1 when I was ten. But resident evil didn’t look this realistic obviously.

It’s ultimatily up the the parent and what they think they’re kid can handle. I won’t let my ten year old daughter play this, maybe in a few years.

It looked real enough for it's time though. 20 years from now they'll probably say the same about this re2 make also.

Up to the parent eh? Probably for the best.

Needed: New Pokemon Puzzle League, Shining Force and Left 4 Dead....

lightningxiii-2 4 years ago#7

Sega9599 posted...

Most people seem to have first played re as a kid, so maybe recommend it to 10 year olds? But maybe it's too gory?
Or do you think kids should be able to decide for themselves if they want to play it?

No, kids must NOT play these kinds of games!

xXCloudoXx posted...

I had another friend during uni who was 20 years old and refused to continue the RE5 campaign with me after just one day of playing, cuz in the next day he told me he had nightmares last night!

RE 5 wasn't scary at all, though!!!

Darkantuan 4 years ago#8

I wouldn't let anyone under 14 anywhere near this game, I'd even go as far as to call it completely irresponsible. In the PS1 days, graphical limitations meant the gore was understated. In this version you can see the flesh tear off a zombie's face when you shoot it.

Theres a rating system for a reason. When a series is rated M for Mature, its a safe bet that you SHOULD NOT recommend it to a 10 year old.

-MrMojoRisin- 4 years ago#9

Not all kids are immature snowflakes. My parents bought me res evil and silent hill games when I was around 9-10. My Dad also let me watch abunch of horror movies, some with nudity.

The longer you treat kids like kids, the longer it takes for them to grow the f*** up.

PSN o-MrMojoRisin-o
Embrace the Journey -

edward18 4 years ago#10

You see the M rating on the box there TC?

Hey check out this Resident Evil Animation I Did =D
Apparently Edward: Wise Old Sage of Korodai

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Is Resident Evil game OK for kids?

Advice for consumers This game has received a PEGI 18 which restricts availability to ADULTS ONLY and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. This rating has been given because it features graphic violence and use of strong language.

Can a 12 year old play Resident Evil 4?

No Worse Than Avengers! I Played This As A Kid And Replayed It Recently I Would Say 12+, Not Any Worse Than A Marvel Movie, One Of My Top 5 Games Ever!

Is Resident Evil 4 ok for a 13 year old?

Very violent but not towards humans. Also has a good main character who sacrifices it all to save people. Not scary for anyone over 13.

Is Resident Evil game Inappropriate?

Parents need to know that Resident Evil is a downloadable atmospheric survival horror game with lots of violence and gore. Player characters are frequently attacked by human monsters and other creatures. Monsters can be slain with guns and knives, resulting in sprays of blood, burst skulls, and exposed viscera.