Best milk alternative for latte Starbucks

You visit your local Starbucks so often, you should know the offerings like the back of your hand…and yet, you still feel like you’re swimming in a vast sea of choices every time you step up to the counter. We won’t take a crack at the entire menu, but for now let’s start with Starbucks milk options. Read on to learn more about the dairy and plant-based stuff available so you can order with confidence.

1. Whole Milk

Whole milk is the purest form of commercially available cow’s milk and was initially the only kind used at Starbucks. This type of milk is pasteurized and homogenized to meet food safety standards, but otherwise untouched. For this reason, whole milk has the highest fat content (roughly 3.5 percent) of the dairy-based options at Starbucks, and a particularly rich and creamy taste as a result. Needless to say, it’s not the best choice for anyone who’s counting calories, but it is seriously delicious.

2. Nonfat Milk

Nonfat milk is whole milk’s leaner cousin—namely because this type of cow’s milk is skimmed to remove all the fat (i.e., cream). The resulting milk is thin, watery and favored by folks who are willing to sacrifice flavor to avoid adding an inch to their waistline. If you want your Starbucks drink to be made with nonfat milk, just use the word ‘skinny’ in your order and they’ll know what to do.

3. 2 Percent Milk

It might surprise you to learn that 2 percent milk, not whole milk, is the default milk for Starbucks drinks. In other words, it’s what you’re drinking unless you specify otherwise. But what is 2 percent milk exactly? Sometimes referred to as ‘reduced fat milk,’ this type of milk has the fat skimmed in the same fashion as nonfat milk—just not as thoroughly. In fact, the 2 percent indicates the total fat content of the product, so while whole milk has 3.5 percent fat and nonfat milk has none, 2 percent milk is the Goldilocks of milks that’s right in the middle.

4. Soy Milk

Soy milk is a popular plant-based milk, and the first to find its way onto the Starbucks menu. This dairy alternative contains nearly as much protein as cow’s milk (seven grams and eight grams per serving, respectively) and is a go-to choice for people who suffer from dairy, nut and gluten allergies. Best of all, soy milk is a complete protein that provides all the essential amino acids found in the dairy-based stuff, and it’s low in saturated fat, cholesterol and calories, to boot. Bottom line: if you’re looking for a creamy, flavorful and nutritious dairy alternative for your favorite Starbucks drink, soy milk fits the bill.

5. Almond Milk

When it comes to dairy milk substitutes available at Starbucks, almond milk and soy milk are among the most popular choices; they’re also neck and neck in terms of pros and cons. Almond milk is a safe choice for the lactose-intolerant that has fewer calories and a flavor that many prefer to soy milk. That said, almond milk can’t hold a candle to soy milk when it comes to heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats and protein content, and the texture of almond milk isn’t nearly as rich. In other words, the almond vs. soy milk battle is basically a stalemate.

6. Coconut Milk

Another plant-based dairy alternative on offer at Starbucks is coconut milk—a thick, creamy type of milk that’s made from the meaty flesh of (you guessed it) the coconut. This vegan milk is safe for vegans and folks with nut or soy allergies. That said, it has only a fraction of the calcium found in regular milk—3 percent DV compared to 21 percent DV per cup—and it won’t do much to meet your protein needs. On the plus side, research has shown that, despite its relatively high calorie and fat content, coconut milk can help lower cholesterol and aid weight loss, which sounds like a pretty good deal to us.

Growing up, I noticed that my stomach started reacting to dairy in weird ways as I got older. At first I thought it was just in my head, but the more time that went by, the more dairy irritated me.

By my senior year of high school, it was official: I had grown into a lactose-intolerance.

It started with only milk in the tenth grade, so I switched to lactose-free milk. That was all I'd ever tried as a dairy-free option at Starbucks.

This past summer, I switched to soy milk. I didn't like the taste of lactose-free milk on its own, but I loved the taste of soy milk. Since then, I've religiously gotten soy milk in all of my Starbucks drinks.

Jamie Graham

Then the coconut milk craze struck, and now everyone is obsessed with coconuts: coconut water, coconut oil, coconut everything.

Since I'm obsessed with Starbucks, I decided to try every dairy-free option at Starbucks to see which was the best. For the sake of fairness, I tried them all in the same drink: a vanilla latte. Here's the unofficial ranking, from worst to best.

Lactose-Free Milk

Jamie Graham

This one was definitely my least favourite. I don't have a great reason, other than the fact that it was boring.

Pros: You'll get a fair amount of calcium, and if you love the taste of regular milk, it's almost identical.

Cons: If you're going for flavour or nutrition, it doesn't score high. Starbucks doesn't use non-fat lactose-free milk, and it isn't plant-based. Also, since it's only lactose-free and not actually dairy-free, it isn't suitable for vegans or people with a dairy intolerance.

Almond Milk

Jamie Graham

I really love the taste of almond milk on its own. It has nutty undertones, but it's still refreshing and incredibly healthy. However, the drink was really lacking the creaminess that a rich latte needs.

Pros: Almond milk is plant-based, so it's suitable for vegans and those with dairy sensitivities. It also tastes incredible, especially if you like a nutty undertone to your coffee.

Cons: It's much more watery than the other milks on this list, so I found my latte a little weaker then I would've liked. Additionally, the almond taste doesn't go well with some flavours.

Coconut Milk

Jamie Graham

This was my first time trying coconut milk in a drink. I'd had ice cream made from coconut milk before and it was tasty, so I had high hopes.

Pros: It's creamier than almond milk. It also has a sweet undertone that I thought was quite unique. Coconut milk is known to be a good replacement in desserts (like ice cream: see above). Having this milk in a usually bitter latte added a nice hint of sweetness.

Cons: It doesn't go with everything. The sweetness can be overkill in some latte combinations. Despite it being creamier than almond milk, it still wasn't as creamy as I would've liked. It also isn't quite as nutritious as almond milk or soy milk.

Soy Milk

Jamie Graham

It's true that old habits die hard. Soy milk is still my favourite dairy-free option offered by Starbucks. It's adaptable and tastes great in every drink I've had it in. It's much creamier than both almond and coconut milk, delivering a rich latte every time.

Pros: My drinks are always creamy and smooth. Soy milk tastes good with any flavour, and it gets another A+ because it's nutritious.

Cons: Literally none.

Jamie Graham

Thankfully, all of these options tasted good in a regular latte, so I still thoroughly enjoyed all of my trips to Starbucks. I also racked up an impressive amount of stars in just four days.

If only Starbucks would stop charging me extra for being lactose-intolerant, the world would be in order.

What can I use instead of milk at Starbucks?

Luckily, Starbucks' menu is actually easy to navigate even with a dairy-free diet. There are three different options of alternative milks at most Starbucks across the country: soy, coconut, and as of recently, almond milk.

What milk is best with lattes?

When it comes to lattes and cappuccinos we always recommend whole milk before anything else. It has just the right balance of fats, proteins, sugar, and water to make smooth microfoam without being overwhelmingly creamy.

Which dairy

Best Non-Dairy Milk for Coffee.
Oat Milk. Oat milk has become one of the most popular non-dairy milks to use in coffee drinks. ... .
Coconut Milk. Prized for its thick, creamy texture, coconut milk is quickly becoming a favorite dairy alternative for coffee drinkers. ... .
Soy Milk. ... .
Hemp Milk. ... .
Rice Milk. ... .
Cashew Milk. ... .
Pea Milk. ... .
Almond Milk..

What milk does Starbucks use for lattes?

Starbucks baristas use 2% low fat milk unless the customer requests something else. When milk is steamed, it is aerated to create the rich, creamy texture that all latte drinkers know and love. The aerating process actually makes the milk a bit sweeter.


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