Benefits of learning a musical instrument as an adults

Many adults who wish to play a musical instrument become interested because they never had the opportunity as a child to do so. Luckily, adulthood allows freedom to pursue and experiment with various hobbies and interests. Learning to play an instrument may also be recommended by medical staff, friends, and family members for reasons that will be outlined below.

Human beings are living longer and are afforded the luxury of time to enjoy more hobbies and leisure time interests, especially during the pandemic.

Benefits of playing a musical instrument:

  • Playing an instrument is mentally advantageous for learning, memory, and mental focus
  • Music helps relieve mental stress
  • Playing an instrument can help relax certain muscles
  • Playing can nurture creativity and imagination

Learning to play a musical instrument can give many of us a leisure activity, the wherewithal to share our talents with others, and widen our social circle.

There are four categories of instrument from which to choose. Select from percussion, string, brass, and woodwind instruments.

Percussion refers to instruments that are struck with the fingers, hand, or an object, such as drumsticks, to generate a rhythm. Drums, piano, and tambourine are three examples of percussive instruments.

String instruments usually have metal strings and produce sound with fingers or a pick. The guitar and banjo are two examples of string instruments.

Brass instruments are made from brass and have a brass mouthpiece. Two examples would be the trumpet and the saxophone.

Woodwind instruments are made from metal. The mouthpiece is made from wood and is called the reed. Clarinet and flute would be included in this group.

Try to select an instrument that best represents your style of music. Is it rock, pop, jazz, classical? The instrument should fit into your lifestyle. Do you have the time to practice? Would you hire a teacher or attempt to learn to play on your own?

Space, storage, and maintenance also need to be considered. How large is the instrument and where would it fit in your home? You should probably sample different instruments before purchasing one and don’t be afraid to talk to others about their experience. Perhaps borrow an instrument from a friend or family member to try it out or rent an instrument before buying.

The rewards could be huge.

When asked to picture a music student, the first thing that pops up in your head is most likely a 6-year-old child sitting behind a drum set, listening attentively to their teacher while trying to focus on every beat. But an adult sitting in a music class? Definitely not something that comes to mind.

You’ve probably heard the theory that it’s more difficult for adults to learn how to play a musical instrument than children. It’s because of this theory that many adults don’t consider taking up any kind of music lessons. This theory is completely wrong. There are many benefits to learning a musical instrument when you are older than 20 years of age. Here are some reasons why learning a musical instrument as an adult can be extremely beneficial.

5 Reasons Why Adults Should Learn to Play a Musical Instrument

Brain Training

As we get older our brain doesn’t stretch and work as much as it used to. Learning to play a musical instrument will give your brain a much-needed workout. You will practice memorizing, critical thinking, and quick reaction. Basically, playing music engages most of your brain especially the visual, auditory, and motor cortices.

“Life without playing music is inconceivable to me. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music… I get most joy in life out of music” – Einstein. This indicating that there’s a huge connection between musical training and academic success that works for both children and adults.

Moreover, having the discipline to start learning a new instrument will help you strengthen your planning, strategizing, and social skills. Even while listening to music, your brain is taking part in some interesting activities. So, just imagine how you can keep your mind sharp by learning how to play a musical instrument.

Enhance Your Social Skills

The best way to improve one’s social skills is always by meeting new people. And such a skill is always essential in any working industry. While there are many ways to make one’s social skills to the next level, a music class lets you interact with others, pick up a new skill but most importantly – relax and have fun while learning.

So, if you were always planning to be an excellent drummer, you’ll be happy to know that there are drum lessons for adults in Singapore. Now, just sign up for one and watch yourself improve your social skills in a breeze.

Go for an Instrument You Always Had an Eye On

The fun part of starting music lessons as an adult is you can choose your musical instrument. Being older, you most probably know yourself a lot better than a younger musical student. You know what kind of music you like and what instrument you’ve fantasized about playing. Your choice of instrument will become a reflection of your personality – embodying your creativity and character. If you’re fancy to play a piano but don’t know which model to choose, please check out our best selection of digital piano in Singapore.

Give you a Newfound Purpose

Learning a new musical instrument will give you a boost in confidence once you have completely mastered it well. Having the newfound ability and skill to successfully play a musical instrument will make you feel like you’ve found a new purpose. Meeting new people at music lessons can open new opportunities for being part of a live band that performs at events. This will build up your self-confidence even further.

Relaxing and Fun

Many research has shown that while an adult playing a musical instrument and the music that they love results in positive feedback to the body and mental health from lowering blood pressure, decreasing stress levels, reducing heart rate, to a decrease in anxiety and depression.

More importantly, playing a musical instrument brings joy and smiles, especially if you play it with your friends or families, the bonding will make it stronger.

It’s important to remember that just because you are an adult, doesn’t mean you have to start at advanced piano classes. Taking up piano, drum, or guitar classes for beginners will have the benefit of you starting with the basics. And as to what they have always said – starting with the basics will give you the tools and guidelines to become an incredible musician. Learn, enjoy and have fun!

How does learning an instrument benefit you?

Learning to play an instrument stimulates the brain cells, improving functions like memory and abstract reasoning skills, which are essential for math and science. Music, in general, helps bring balance and harmony in one's life. Children who learn to play an instrument have an outlet for creativity and their emotions.

How does learning an instrument affect the adult brain?

These findings suggest that learning to play musical instruments strongly influences the organization of gray matter in multiple brain networks related to sensory processing (particularly auditory, vision, and somatosensory regions) and higher-order cognitive function.

Can adults learn to play musical instruments?

It's a common misconception that learning to play a musical instrument as an adult is too difficult, if not impossible. Yet the myth that you need to pursue music lessons early in life has kept many people from exploring their musical skills. The good news is that it's never too late to learn!


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