Alice would like to send a message to Bob that authenticates her identity

Authentication is the process of binding an identity to a user (or service). There is a distinction between authentication and identification. Identification is simply the process of asking you to identify yourself (for example, ask for a login name). Authentication is the process of proving that the identification is correct. Authorization is the process of determining whether the user is permitted to do something.

The biggest problem with symmetric cryptography is key distribution. For Alice and Bob to communicate, they must share a secret key that no adversaries can get. However, Alice cannot send the key to Bob since it would be visible to adversaries. She cannot encrypt it because Alice and Bob do not share a key yet.

Key exchange using a trusted third party

For two parties to communicate using symmetric ciphers they need to share the same key. The ways of doing this are:

  1. Share the key via some trusted mechanism outside of the network, such are reading it over the phone or sending a flash drive via FedEx.

  2. Send the key using a public key algorithm (if we can trust the key!)

  3. Use a trusted third party.

We will first examine the use of a trusted third party. A trusted third party is a trusted system that has everyone’s key. Hence, only Alice and the trusted party (whom we will call Trent) have Alice’s secret key. Only Bob and Trent have Bob’s secret key.

The simplest way of using a trusted third party is to ask it to come up with a session key and send it to the parties that wish to communicate. For example, Alice sends a message to Trent requesting a session key to communicate with Bob. This message is encrypted with Alice’s secret key so that Trent knows the message could have only come from Alice.

Trent generates a random session key and encrypts it with Alice’s secret key. He also encrypts the same key with Bob’s secret key. Alice gets both keys and passes the one encrypted for Bob to Bob. Now Alice and Bob have a session key that was encrypted with each of their secret keys and they can communicate by encrypting messages with that session key.

This simple scheme is vulnerable to replay attacks. An eavesdropper, Eve, can record messages from Alice to Bob and replay them at a later time. Eve might not be able to decode the messages but she can confuse Bob by sending him seemingly valid encrypted messages.

The second problem is that Alice sends Trent an encrypted session key but Trent has no idea that Alice is requesting to communicate with him. While Trent authenticated Alice (simply by being able to decrypt her request) and authorized her to talk with Bob (by generating the session key), that information has not been conveyed to Bob.

Needham-Schroeder: nonces

The Needham-Schroeder protocol improves the basic key exchange protocol by adding nonces to messages. A nonce is simply a random string – a random bunch of bits. Alice sends a request to Trent, asking to talk to Bob. This time, it doesn’t have to even be encrypted. As part of the request she sends a nonce.

Trent responds with a message that contains:

  • Alice’s ID
  • Bob’s ID
  • the nonce
  • the session key
  • a ticket: a message encrypted for Bob containing Alice’s ID and the same session key

This entire message from Trent is encrypted with Alice’s secret key. Alice can validate that the message is a response to her message because:

  • It is encrypted for her: nobody but Alice and Trent has Alice’s secret key.
  • It contains the same nonce as in her request, so it is not a replay of some earlier message, which would have had a different randomly-generated nonce.

Alice sends the ticket (the message encrypted with Bob’s key) to Bob. He can decrypt it and knows:

  • The message must have been generated by Trent since only Trent and Bob know Bob’s key and and thus could construct a meaningful message encrypted with Bob’s key.
  • He will be communicating with Alice because Trent placed Alice’s ID in that ticket.
  • The session key since Trent placed that in the ticket as well. Alice has this too.

Bob can now communicate with Alice but he will first authenticate Alice to be sure that he’s really communicating with her. He’ll believe it’s Alice if she can prove that she has the session key. To do this, Bob creates another nonce, encrypts it with the session key, and sends it to Alice. Alice decrypts the message, subtracts one from the nonce, encrypts the result, and sends it back to Bob. She just demonstrated that she could decrypt a message using the session key and return back a known modification of the message. Needham-Schroeder is a combined authentication and key exchange protocol.

One flaw in the Needham-Schroeder algorithm is when Alice sends the ticket to Bob. The ticket is encrypted with Bob’s secret key and contains Alice’s ID as well as the session key. If an attacker happened to record an old conversation session and was able to decrypt the session key, she can replay the transmission of an old ticket to Bob. Bob won’t know that he received that same session key in the past. He will proceed to validate “Alice” by asking her to prove that she indeed knows the session key. In this case, Eve, our eavesdropper, does know it; that’s why she sent the ticket to Bob. Bob completes the authentication and thinks he is talking with Alice when in reality he is talking to Eve.

A fix for this was proposed by Denning & Sacco: add a timestamp to the ticket. When Trent creates the ticket that Alice will give to Bob, it is a message encrypted for Bob and contains Alice’s ID, the session key, and a timestamp.

When Bob receives a ticket, he checks the timestamp. If it is older than some recent time (e.g., a few seconds), Bob will simply discard the ticket, assuming that he is getting a replay attack.

A problem with timestamps is that their use relies on all entities having synchronized clocks. If Bob’s clock is significantly off from Trent’s, he may falsely accept or falsely reject a ticket that Alice presents to him. Time synchronization becomes an attack vector for this protocol. If an attacker can change Bob’s concept of time, she may be able to convince Bob to accept an older ticket. To do this, she can create fake NTP (network time protocol) responses to force Bob’s clock to synchronize to a different value or, if Bob is paranoid and uses a GPS receiver to synchronize time, create fake GPS signals.

A way to avoid the replay of the ticket without using timestamps is to add a session ID to each message. The rest of the Otway-Rees protocol differs a bit from Needham-Schroeder but is conceptually very similar.

  1. Alice sends a message to Bob that contains:

    • A session ID
    • Aoth of their IDs
    • A message encrypted with Alice’s secret key. This encrypted message contains Alice and Bob’s IDs as well as the session ID.
  2. Bob sends Trent a request to communicate with Alice, containing:

    • Alice’s message
    • A message encrypted with Bob’s secret key that also contains the session ID.
  3. Trent now knows that Alice wants to talk to Bob since the session ID is inside her encrypted message and that Bob agrees to talk to Alice since that same session ID is inside his encrypted message.

  4. Trent creates a random session key encrypted for Bob and the same key encrypted for Alice and sends both of those to Bob, along with the session key.

The protocol also incorporates nonces to ensure that there is no replay attack on Trent’s response even if an attacker sends a message to Bob with a new session ID and old encrypted session keys (that were cracked by the attacker).


Kerberos is a trusted third party authentication, authorization, and key exchange protocol using symmetric cryptography and based closely on the Needham-Schroeder protocol with the Denning-Sacco modification (the use of timestamps).

When Alice wands to talk with Bob (they can be users and services), she first needs to ask Kerberos. If access is authorized, Kerberos will send her two messages. One is encrypted with Alice’s secret key and contains the session key for her communication with Bob. The other message is encrypted with Bob’s secret key. Alice cannot read or decode this second message. It s a ticket. It contains the same session key that Alice received but is encrypted for Bob. Alice will send that to Bob. When Bob decrypts it, he knows that the message must have been generated by an entity that knows its secret key: Kerberos. Now that Alice and Bob both have the session key, they can communicate securely by encrypting all traffic with that session key.

To avoid replay attacks, Kerberos places a timestamp in Alice’s response and in the ticket. For Alice to authenticate herself to Bob, she needs to prove that she was able to extract the session key from the encrypted message Kerberos sent her. She proves this by generating a new timestamp, encrypting it with the session key, and sending it to Bob. Bob now needs to prove to Alice that he can decode messages encrypted with the session key. He takes Alice’s timestamp, adds one (just to permute the value), and sends it back to Alice, encrypted with their session key.

Since your secret key is needed to decrypt every service request you make of Kerberos, you’ll end up typing your password each time you want to access a service. Storing the key in a file to cache it is not a good idea. Kerberos handles this by splitting itself into two components that run the same protocol: the authentication service (AS) and the ticket granting service (TGS). The authentication service handles the initial user request and provides a session key to access the TGS. This session key can be cached for the user’s login session and allows the user to send requests to the TGS without re-entering a password. The TGS is the part of Kerberos that handles requests for services. It also returns two messages to the user: a different session key for the desired service and a ticket that must be provided to that service.

Key exchange using public key cryptography

With public key cryptography, Mike can take over after Bob is convinced he is talking with Alice. To avoid a man-in-the-middle attack Alice will have to send Bob a session key. If she uses public key cryptography to do the key exchange, as long as the message from Alice is signed, Mike will not be able to decrypt the session key or forge a new one.

How can Alice send Bob a message in a way that assures Bob that the message came from Alice?

Alice can use her own Private Key to encrypt the message. Which makes it so the only key in the world that can decrypt her message is her Public key — which she knows Bob (and anyone else) has access to. The message is sent to Bob, who then uses Alice's Public Key to decrypt the message.

Which key would be used to send a signed message to Bob from Alice?

5) : Alice wants to send a signed message m to Bob: • Alice generates a signature s of the message m with her private key. Message m and the signature s are sent to Bob. If Bob receives the message m and the signature s , he can verify with Alice's public key that she has sent the message.

How can Alice send out a message that everyone can verify that it is from her?

Alice can do all this without storing any secret information. If Alice orders something from Bob and signs every message by encrypting it with her private key, anyone can verify her signature and no one can forge it. This ensures non-repudiation - Alice cannot deny she sent the message.

When Alice wants to send confidential email to bob How do they share a symmetric private key?

Symmetric-Key Encryption Instead, Alice arranges to meet Bob at a nearby bar to give him one of the keys. It's inconvenient, but she only has to do it once. After Alice gets home she uses her key to lock her message into the lockbox. Then she sends the lockbox to Bob.


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