Accidentally double vaccinated dog bordetella

Getting the right dose of vaccine helps your dog maintain good health. Avoiding vaccinating your dog twice can be done with the right information.

Visiting the Vet regularly for treatments and vaccinations might seem a herculean task, however there are several diseases that can affect our dogs , and vaccinations are one of the ways to protect them. Perhaps you are wondering, “what happens if a dog gets vaccinated twice?”

When your dog gets vaccinated twice, there are some reactions they may suffer which includes allergies, stooling and certain behavior disorders. You ought to be careful about what happens if a dog gets vaccinated twice because losing a pet to diseases like Canine Hepatitis, Canine Parainfluenza Bordetella Bronchiseptica, Canine Distemper, kennel cough and heart worm can be disheartening.

As a dog owner, you should use all measures to prevent your pet from incurring diseases. While vaccinations are appropriate, giving your dog two or more vaccines comes with its consequences.

This article will discuss, what happens if a dog gets vaccinated twice, what to do when the dog has been vaccinated twice and how you can avoid over vaccinating your dog. Read on for more information.

Medical studies from Health school in Norway have proven that 90% of young dogs who undergo over vaccination might suffer negative reactions within 48 hours.

It is recommended to vaccinate a dog twice because dogs can suffer many medical problems like allergic reactions, behavioral changes, autoimmune sickness and in rare cases death.

Let’s discuss some of these reactions :

Allergic reactions

Medical studies from Health school in Norway have proven that young dogs who undergo over vaccination might suffer negative reactions within 48 hours.

However, this isn’t general, because vaccines for parvovirus and Bordetella aren’t affected. Though, it is likely these allergic reactions might go naturally within three days, in some days it leads to serious infections.

These reactions include swelling, redness and irritation at the part where the dog is vaccinated. Some reactions that might occur from vaccinating your dog twice includes:

  • Reaction at injection site :These reactions include swelling, redness and irritation at the part where the dog is vaccinated. The dog could also experience pus collection and moist boils.
  • Anaphyla: When you vaccinate your dog twice, it could have reactions like anaphylaxis. Symptoms of this include diarrhea, weakness and seizures. Anaphylaxis is rare, however when treated poorly, it could lead to death.

Breathing problems

This can happen when the canine reacts to the double vaccine. You should expect sneezing, cough and water discharge from the nasal cavity.

Loss of appetite

This usually springs up around three days after double vaccination. Your dog begins to eat in small proportions and eventually stops taking meals.

In some situations it cannot eat solid meals and starts sticking to only soft meals. When this happens, it may be related to the two vaccinations it was given. Usually, it comes with a cough, cartah and shivering.

Immune system overload

The immune system of a dog has two main categories which are complementary and interdependent of one another. One of such immune systems is known as cellular cell immunity which enhances the dog immune system.

All vaccines have two elements: Sometimes when you vaccinate your dog twice, the vaccinations make the first immune system dormant which makes the second immune system weak as it is attacked by various diseases.

Behavioral changes

Some canines become terribly aggressive, others become very docile.the virus itself and the immune element which boost the cells to repel the virus. The second element known as vaccine adjuvant contains some highly toxic compounds like MSG and Mercury.

When these compounds become too much in a dog system, they cause inflammation in the dog’s behavioral moods. Some canines become terribly aggressive, others become very docile.

Hypersensitivity of all organs

When the dog is over vaccinated, it might have a negative effect on all senses and they become very hyper. When your dog has all its organs above control it begins to act strangely towards the owner and strangers. You might find it difficult to control when this happens.

Difficult in swallowing liquids

When your dog has all its organs above control it begins to act strangely towards the owner and strangers. Too much of some vaccines affect the oral cavity and can cause pain in the oesophagus.

Your dog fears began to heighten

Dogs are meant to be brave and highly inquisitive. But sometimes, over vaccination can cause them to become over suspicious and very fearful of their immediate environment.

High sexual drives in male species

Double vaccination for dogs especially the male, will increase their sex drives and they will experience regular erections.

This will make them very aggressive towards the female dog and cause Unwarranted friction and focal licking. Dog vaccines contain compounds which when given in high quantity to dogs cause

Involuntary Urination

When you vaccinate your dog twice, here are some steps to take: You will begin to notice your dog urinated anywhere and without control.

What Will You Do After Twice Vaccination of Your Dog?

When you vaccinate your dog twice, here are some steps to take:

Look out for strange reactions

When you have over vaccinated your dog, take your time to look for any positive or negative reactions. If your dog is the gentle one, if it becomes aggressive suddenly, take it to the vet immediately. When you notice certain health issues that aren’t there, ensure you look after your dog well.

Take the dog for a walk

Even if your dog has been vaccinated for leptospirosis, rabies or kennel cough, ensure the stay healthy. Being docile or locking the dog up in the cage does nothing to help the dog.

Regular fitness is a good medicine for all dogs, take heed. If you are busy, you could register your dog with a trainer to help boost its immune system.

Healthy diet

It is important to always feed your dog with good meats and canned dog foods. While vaccines might work, food contributes a lot to supplement the vaccine. Vaccine itself doesn’t do the job alone, give your dog a balanced diet which includes turmeric, broccoli and red balls pepper.

Create clean hygiene for your dog

Keep your dog in a clean way to dissuade bacteria and diseases from affecting it. That you got your dog vaccinated twice doesn’t stop it from getting sick, and what better way can sickness happen than in a dirty environment. Wash its resting cage and bath the dog regularly.

Give your dog the necessary supplements

While a balanced diet of spinach, mushrooms and biscuit bone goes a long way to help your dog after being vaccinated twice, provide the pets with some vitamins and nutrients that will protect it against negative vaccination reactions.

Nutrients rich in omega-3 fatty acids prebiotic, zinc and probiotics will suffice.

Don’t give your dog stress

Avoid stressing your dog after over vaccination because overstressing in dogs releases hormone hortisols.

This hormonal hortisols causes a dog immune system to weaken despite the vaccination it has received. There are several factors which can cause stress for your dogs, note them and avoid them.

Regular checkup with the Vet

Many people make the mistake of taking time off with vets, immediately they get their dog vaccinated twice. They feel nothing will happen to their dog since it has been vaccinated twice.

However, this is a wrong notion because checkups are good for dogs whether they are vaccinated or not. Also, other sickness and reactions might spring up after vaccination which only the Vet will be able to spot and treat.

How Can You Avoid Over-Vaccinating Your Dog?

Prevention, they say, is better than cure. Vaccines are great especially when administered in the right dose.

The best way to ensure this is by getting the right information about dog vaccines and how they can be administered properly. To avoid over vaccinating your dog, here are some tips:

Get the right information about Dog vaccinations

Dogs are expected to get vaccinated between 7 to 15 weeks from birth. This is to ensure they are protected from serious sickness like dog Distemper, adenovirus, enteric coronavirus, Lyme disease and leptospirosis.

Also, ensure you get your dog vaccinated for rabies once it reaches 13 to 15 weeks. There are also vaccines for influenza which are local to some areas like Bordetella and Borellia Burgdorferi.

When you are armed with this information, you will be prevented from vaccinating your dog twice.

Have a good record of your dog vaccination

When you have a detailed history of all your dog vaccinations and records, you have a better understanding of the dog’s health.

Also, if there are any slight chances in the dog’s health, you will notice. It is important to set up your dog records based on health history test results, medications and surgeries. This will help when we need to get the dog vaccinated and avoid double vaccination.

Get a Titer test

Another method to avoid vaccinating your dog twice is requesting for a Titer test. This test is a blood test carried out to dogs to determine if the vaccine given previously is still active and protective.

When the test shows the vaccine still produces antibodies, then you don’t need to give your dog another jab again.

Be transparent and open

You should ask your bet for the right vaccination for your dog based on your location. Speak to reliable Vets close to you and ask pertinent questions about medications and which type of vaccines at what dose does your dog need.

Talk about the health history of your dog with the Vet without leaving out age, lifestyle and behavioral tendencies. With this information, your Vet can give you the right vaccination and dog care your canine needs.


Having an idea about what happens if a dog gets vaccinated twice is vital because it means you care about your dog and want to give it proper care.

Dogs suffer from many communicable and noncommunicable diseases like rabies, dog Distemper, bordetella and kennel cough. Giving them the right vaccine dosage usually prevents this illness and keeps them in good condition.

When you vaccinate your dog twice, expect behavioral changes, drowsiness, swelling, discomfort while drinking liquids and certain fevers. When this happens, you will need to give your dog proper care, good food, regular exercise and regular visits to the vet clinic.

To prevent your dog from getting vaccinated twice, be open with your Vet, have a detailed dog history and take the titer test which will show if previous vaccines taken by your dog still produce antibodies.


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