05.05 should free trade be a goal Honors Essay

Outsourcing jobs put American jobs, and lives on the line everyday. Although outsourcing

has its benefits, it's overall damaging. Many citizens have lost their jobs, simply because

companies are not willing to pay higher prices for supplies and labor.

Many people are for outsourcing, and many are against it. One of the reasons many are

against outsourcing is because it eliminates jobs in the U.S. and the quality of products can be

diminished, since it's made with lower labor wages, and done quickly. Job outsourcing is a way

for companies to save money, but at what cost? In the “ Cost of American Outsourcing” article it

states “Labor overseas can be anywhere from five to20 percent of what it costs in the States”. With

statistics like this, there is a valid reason for companies to outsource. The point of most companies is

to make profit in the grand scheme of things. But undermining America's working class is a silent


Of course we should and need to trade. The benefits for the companies are clear, lower

labor, and supply cost. This not only hurts the U.S. economy but it hurts the workers who are

severely underpaid, working in terrible conditions. Child labor is a thing of the past in this

country, but is a thing of the present, and future for many countries that we oputsoruce jobs to.

Companies who outsource often deal with the overseas companies who make products terribly,

miss shipping deadlines, these products won't be made with the same care if the person

producing it lives very poorly, and doesn't get paid much. Outsourcing jobs will lead to other

countries getting stronger in terms of innovating, and leave the U.S. behind. Outsourcing

hinders a healthy American economy, it states in

//capitalcounselor.com/outsourcing-statistics/Around 300,000 jobs are outsourced by the

US annually”. THis statistic shows how many jobs are being taken just for lower cost.

We all know that “America runs on Coffee”. According to

//www.worldatlas.com/articles/top-10-coffee-consuming-nations.html , the average pound

per person a year on coffee is 9.26. Yet we aren't anywhere near the top producers of coffee,

simply because we cannot produce coffee like other countries due to soil, weather, fertilization,

etc. This is when outsourcing is a well mannered investment. A developing country like Brazil

produced “In 2018,Brazil produced 61.7 million 60-kilogrambags of coffee.”zThe coffee

industry in the U.S. is better off outsourcing coffee from other countries due to the purity and

how great the coffee is procured in these countries. Everyone loves Starbucks but where do

they source their coffee. It states on


ee-comes-from-2019-7Starbucks sources its coffeefrom more than 30 countries in the three major

growing regions of the world. The company's breakfast and house blends come from Latin America. And

their popular Pike Place roast comes from Colombia and Brazil. After sourcing the beans, Starbucks roasts

them in the US and then distributes them among more than 14,000 stores nationwide.”uSome of the

barriers a U.S. company would face trying to trade with brazil would be tax burdens, high tariffs,

and a difficult customs system. IT states in

//www.trade.gov/knowledge-product/brazil-trade-barriers On October 19, 2020, the United

States and Brazil signed a protocol to the bilateral Agreement on Trade and Economic

Cooperation (ATEC) covering commitments in three areas: trade facilitation, good regulatory


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